We love companies, creative solutions, and extraordinary ideas. Our claim: We build relationships between enterprises, their solutions, as well as their ideas, and the markets. Our work has solely one goal: Your success!
Thus we use all opportunities to develop highly sophisticated solutions based on a clever mixture of classic and digital media. Use our expertize for Your business success!
WEB9® Bratislava continues to grow and needs creative and technology-oriented entrepreneurs as partners in our firm. Currently, we are looking for:
For further information, please refer here.
IT Projects
Code lines
We would be happy to answer Your questions:
In terms of internet, advertising and marketing communication, WEB9 is the right partner for You. For excample, we could do the following for You:
Security is a very vital topic. Herewith, we deal with the organizational as well as technical aspects.
We offer several low budget SaaS services like in the areas of data management, content management, and shop systems.
We analyze respectively evaluate your data structures to derive important strategy decisions.
Based on our digital network, we establish new markets for Your company in the areas of sales and production.
We operate IT administration tasks like backup / restore, access rights / account management, security tasks, or software installation and configuration.
As IT experts, we would like to manage complex IT projects. We understand software and IT companies as well as your operating departments.
But we offer even more. Please refer to our complete service portfolio:
A small assortment of our projects.
Would You like to learn more about our projects?
Read more about our work:
Karadžičova 8/A
SK-82108 Bratislava
Hotline (Mo-Fr 8:00-20:00)
+66 (0)93 605 1445
Fax (7x24h)
+66 (0)2 610 3601
Email (7x24h)
i n f o @ w e b 9 . b i z